Counter Strike Global Offensive-SKIDROW
[Code] S K I D R O W
.the leading force.
Proudly witnesses
Counter-Strike Global Offensive
(C) Valve
21-08-2012 ...... Release Date - Protection ................. Steam
Simulation ......... Game Type - Disk (s) .................... 2 DVD
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) will expand
Upon the team-based action gameplay that it pioneered
When it was launched 14 years ago. CS: GO features
New maps, characters, & weapons and deliveries updated
Versions of the classic CS content (de_dust, etc.).
Multiplayer Release for our fans across the palm
Who wants to play Counter Strike, those days have
Started again, with SKIDROW we have started it &
With SKIDROW will end it, do not forget to read
The !!! README !!! File for instruction and servers
So enjoy & thanks for the support, Happy Gaming!
1. Download
2. Install the game
3. Block the game in your firewall
4. Run Updater and start Playing the game
5. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy
To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups
Ascii art by the
Godlike & terrific duo
Malodix irokos
Titan artdivision [/ code]
Games / PC ISO
Size: 5.30 GB
Counter Strike Global Offensive-SKIDROW
Reviewed by switch
April 29, 2017

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