Samurai Warriors 4 Empires PS4-DUPLEX
Games/PS4 /
Size: 18.32 GB
- D U P L E X -
P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S :
Samurai Warriors 4 Empires
Date : 07-2018 Languages: English
Platform : PS4 FW 4.05 Genre : Action
Release Info:
Samurai Warriors 4 Empires provides an alternative take on the events
depicted in Samurai Warriors 4, using the historical landscape as a setting
for an exciting strategy-focused game. Players have the opportunity to
create their own character to serve in the lower ranks of the army,
gradually rising through the ranks to eventually rule the entire land
through their conquests.
Release Notes:
For now, in order to play our rips you will need :
- a PS4 with Firmware 4.05
- a computer to run the PS4 Exploit Host :
- Unpack PS4 Exploit Host on your computer
- Configure your PS4 to use your computer\'s IP as DNS servers
- Format your USB drive/key to exFAT
- Copy our .pkg file to the root of your USB drive/key
- Plug your USB drive/key to one of the USB ports of your PS4
- On your PS4, go to \'Settings\', \'User\'s Guide\'
- Start one of the exploits, i.e. CelesteBlue123/LightningMods\' one
- Go to Debug Settings / Game / Package Installer
- Install our .pkg and start the game
- Enjoy !
Enjoy This Fine DUPLEX Release
Size: 18.32 GB
Samurai Warriors 4 Empires PS4-DUPLEX
Reviewed by switch
July 16, 2018

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